
レヴィ=ストロースの4つの民族(Tristes Tropique
"What a journey to the heart of darkness could not produce, an immersion in structural linguistics, communication theory, cybernetics, and mathematical logic can. Out of the disappointed romanticism of Tristes Tropiques arose the exultant sciencism of Levi-Strauss's other major work, La Pensee Sauvage (1962),"(Geertz 1973: 351).[クリフォード・ギアーツ
"The High Science of La Pensee Sauvage and the Heroic Quest of Tristes Tropiques are, at base, but "very simple transformation" of one another"(Geertz 1973: 356).

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"Binary opposition -- that dialectical chasm between plus and minus which computer technology has rendered the linga franca of modern science -- forms the basis of savage thought as it does of language. And indeed it is this which makes them essentially variant forms of the same thing: communication systems"(Geertz 1973: 354).
"For what Levi-Strauss has made for himself is an infernal culture machine. It annuls history, reduces sentiment to a shadow of the intellect, and replace the particular savages in particular jungles with the Savage Mind immanent in us all"(Geertz 1973: 355).

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"For anthropologists are forever being tempted -- as Levi-Strauss himself once was -- out of library and lecture halls, where it is hard to remember that the mind of man is no dry light, into "the field," where it is impossible to forget it. Even if there are not many "true savages" out there any more, there are enough vividly peculiar human individuals around to make any doctrine of man...."(Geertz 1973: 359)

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"The term "consequentialism"[帰結主義] was coined by G.E.M. Anscombe in her essay "Modern Moral Philosophy" in 1958, to describe what she saw as the central error of certain moral theories, such as those propounded by Mill and Sidgwick. Since then, the term has become common in English-language ethical theory."(Source: Consequentialism by Wiki).