Malaysian couple killed in stop-smoking ritual

「[クアラルンプール 3日 ロイター] マレーシアで喫煙習慣と病気の克服を願った「儀式」で2人が死亡し、1人が重傷を負ったことが分かった。国営ベルナマ通信が伝えた。/死亡したのは、チェーンスモーキングを克服しようとした男性と、ぜんそくや肝臓病を患っていたその妻。/儀式では、4人の親類が夫妻の頭をテーブルに打ち付けたり、ヘルメットやほうきで殴ったりした。当地の犯罪捜査当局の責任者によると、夫妻がイスラム教の断食月の終わりを祝うため親類を訪れた際に健康上の問題を訴えたところ、1人がこの儀式を提案したという。儀式の最中に部屋に入ってきた親類4人のうちの1人の娘(15)もひどく打たれ、入院した」(。
この儀式という訳語は ritual のように思われる。下記はワシントンポストの配信記事
"KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia -- Relatives beat a Malaysian couple to death in a ritual apparently meant to help the man to stop smoking, police said Friday.
The couple died of head injuries after being beaten with broomsticks and motorbike helmets during a family gathering at a Kuala Lumpur home Wednesday, said Ku Chin Wah, head of the city's crime investigations department.
One of the couple's sons and three other relatives remain in custody. Four other detained family members have been released, Ku said.
According to those detained, a nephew suggested the beating ritual after the man said he could not stop smoking and the woman complained of a liver ailment, Ku said.
It is not clear who was responsible for the deaths, but local media reported that the nephew convinced all the members of the Muslim family to beat each other.
The couple's 15-year-old niece, also injured in the beating ritual, has been hospitalized, Ku said. Several others, including the couple's children, who are 14, 19 and 21 years old, also suffered injuries.
Police are still investigating the case. Local media reported the families are believed to have joined a cult recently, but that could not be immediately confirmed.("