ウェスターマーク〈対〉デュルケーム、レフェリー C.W.ミルズ!!

ミルズのウェスターマークへのコメントのエピソードを探していたらJ.P.Roosというフィンランドの学者の論文(Durkheim vs. Westermarck: an uneven match)に当たる。「一匹狼」という表現が、なかなかおもしろい。

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"Edvard Westermarck was at the turn of 20th century a direct competitor of Émile Durkheim. Durkheim was the pioneer of French sociology whereas Westermarck was the first professor of sociology in the UK. They competed with each other both directly and indirectly and were interested in same questions, especially concerning family and moral theory. They had many common points: passion for sociology, interest in anthropology, the so called comparative approach. But where Durkheim was interested in empire-building and academic power, Westermarck was much more of a lone wolf type. Nowadays Westermarck is practically forgotten outside of Finland whereas Durkheim is still one of the three main classics in sociology. Yet, when one compares Westermarck and Durkheim’s debates, it becomes clear that Westermarck was right and Durkheim was wrong in practically every issue. This is especially true with respect of the theory of incest avoidance. Westermarck’s theory is now universally accepted whereas Durkheim’s theory was not only wrong, it revealed that one of the books on which his reputation is based, the Formes élementaires de la vie réligieuse, was based on a series of misleading claims. Yet Westermarck is forgotten and Durkheim is universally seen as a great theorist. In the end, some possible explanations are discussed."(source link

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ちなみに当該文献は、Mills. C.W. 1948. Edward Alexander Westermarck and the Application of Ethnographic Methods to Marriage and Morals. In H. E. Barnes (ed.). An Introduction to the History of Sociology . pp 654-667. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.であろう。