the Right of ”Wemen” to Self-Determination, for whom?

"[W]e must link the revolutionary struggle for socialism with a revolutionary programme on the national question....It is absurd to contrapose the socialist revolutlon and the revolutionary struggle against capitalism to a single problem of democracy, in this case, the national question. We must combine the revolutionary struggle against capitalism with a revolutionary programme and tactics on all democratic demands: a republic, a militia, the popular election of officials, equal rights for women, the self-determillation of nations, etc. "

V.I.Lenin, The Revolutionary Proletariat and the Right of Nations to Self-Determination. Written: Written in German not earlier than October 16 (29), 1915, Published: First published in 1927 in Lenin Miscellany VI., Published according to the translation from the German made by N. K. Krupskaya, with corrections by V. I.Lenin., Source: Lenin Collected Works, Progress Publishers, [197[4]], Moscow, Volume 21, pages 407-414. 〈source
Esta bien, ahora digo sobre "L@s proletariat revolutionari@s y el derecho femenino para determinacion por si misma"....No es necesarios que digo sera ¡visión perversíva!.....
"The Total Woman sold more than ten million copies and was the bestselling nonfiction book of 1974.[1] Grounded in evangelical Christianity, it taught that "A Total Woman caters to her man's special quirks, whether it be in salads, sex or sports,"[2] and is perhaps best remembered for instructing wives to greet their husbands at the front door wearing sexy outfits, or draped in transparent saran wrap, with nothing (but herself) underneath. "It's only when a woman surrenders her life to her husband, reveres and worships him and is willing to serve him, that she becomes really beautiful to him," Morgan wrote."(source)