
高裁での刑量がかわらなかったのは、実質的審理をしていないのでは?――要ウオッチですぞ!「1974年のオランダ・ハーグでの仏大使館占拠事件で、殺人未遂と逮捕監禁などの罪に問われた日本赤軍の元最高幹部重信房子被告(62)の控訴審判決が 20日、東京高裁であり、安広文夫裁判長は「冷酷、凶悪な犯行で、国際テロ事件として各国に衝撃を与えた」として、懲役20年とした1審判決を支持、同事件の無罪を訴えた弁護側控訴などを棄却した。弁護側は上告する方針。/控訴審で被告側は、事件はパレスチナ解放人民戦線PFLP)の作戦で、日本赤軍は当時結成されておらず、重信被告はリーダーとして指揮する立場になかったと主張していた」(headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20071220-00000082-jij-soci)。

"Lorenz joined the Nazi Party in 1938 and accepted a university chair under the Nazi regime. In his application for membership to the Nazi-party NSDAP he wrote in 1938: "I'm able to say that my whole scientific work is devoted to the ideas of the National Socialists." His publications during that time led in later years to allegations that his scientific work had been contaminated by Nazi sympathies: his published writing during the Nazi period included support for Nazi ideas of "racial hygiene" couched in pseudoscientific metaphors./When accepting the Nobel Prize, he apologized for a 1940 publication that included Nazi views of science, saying that "many highly decent scientists hoped, like I did, for a short time for good from National Socialism, and many quickly turned away from it with the same horror as I." It seems highly likely that Lorenz's ideas about an inherited basis for behavior patterns were congenial to the Nazi authorities, but there is no evidence to suggest that his experimental work was either inspired or distorted by Nazi ideas./During the final years of his life Lorenz supported the fledgling Austrian Green Party and in 1984 became the figurehead of the Konrad Lorenz Volksbegehren, a grass-roots movement that was formed to prevent the building of a power plant at the Danube near Hainburg an der Donau and thus the destruction of the yet untouched woodland surrounding the planned site."(source: Wikipedia, K.Lorenz)